Kate Colin is a Scottish maker and designer who works with folded forms. Inspired by origami and geometry, she uses paper, natural fabrics and other materials to create bold and sculptural lighting, installations and a range of homewares which emphasise the interplay between light, shade, colour and geometric form.


Kate regularly works with private clients, interior designers and retail outlets to supply a variety of homewares ranging from lighting, soft furnishings, bags, purses and accessories all of which are 100% handmade in small limited edition quantities.
Folded Baubles

Workshops & Tuition
![2108 COURSE Kate Collin [CRA]-142.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5696e5b4be7b96eb7f5e27b8/1635285359339-5H1KPG7N78ATAW9EJR0S/2108+COURSE+Kate+Collin++%5BCRA%5D-142.jpg)
Kate has many years’ teaching experience and has run folding workshops and demonstrations for a variety of organisations including the Barbican, Craft Scotland and V&A Dundee. She regularly hosts in-person and online classes as well as 1:1 tutorials and bespoke workshops for corporate or private events.